• Softube Tape Demo

    Softube Tape Demo

    The main hub of Tape is the gigantic AMOUNT knob in the middle of the main interface. It is with this that you dial in the level of color or harmonic distortion that you need. To the right you will see the tape TYPE selector. It is widely agreed that type ‘A’ is the Studer A820 24-Track whilst types ‘B’ and ‘C’ are rumored to be a Revox 4-Track and an AMPEX ATR-800 respectively. Finally, the ‘TAPE SPEED’ dial is non detented so it enables you to choose tape speeds that never actually existed.

    The following article explains the process of installing and activating the Softube Tape plug-in that can be purchased from the PreSonus Shop. Here is a link to.

    Our best advice is to use 15 and 30 ips for a higher resolution which will leave your transients more intact, saving the lower speeds for vintage style degradation. The workflow that Tape elicits from the user is modish and neat, just like its GUI. It’s very easy to switch the meters to ‘THD’ mode which is how you gauge the level of ‘mojo’. But it’s with the RC-1 panel that the most fun can be had. We’ll start at the bottom with CROSSTALK.

    Now this is a control that for the most part is about as much use as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition. However, for the sake of realism it is included – leaking, as it does, information between left and right channels on your stereo bus or mix. At this point I must mention the NOISE switch. On any normal modeled, vintage plugin I would automatically keep such a feature dormant – after all, you have to ask yourselves why so many millions of dollars have been spent by engineers and studios in the past 50 years on external noise reduction boxes – it’s about as desirable as cross-ply tires on a brand new Dodge Challenger. Again though, Softube just get it right. I was more than happy to leave NOISE engaged as it imparts only the subtlest of nuance to your signal. Working almost like dither it helps to smooth and fill gaps in your audio as a pose to the gigantic ‘clown’ button found on other plugins that pastiches everything we’ve been trying to get rid of since the dawn of recording.


    The last couple of tricks are very sweet indeed. First, and most obvious, are the RUN/STOP buttons. As you would imagine they do exactly what they say.

    When you hit STOP it gives you a perfect tape stop effect and then after, when you punch the RUN button your audio winds back up to the correct speed. A brilliantly implemented, easy to use and very welcome effect that I did not expect to find here. I would love for there to be adjustments available for RUN/STOP and the STABILITY control – but perhaps that could be saved for a dedicated tape fx plugin. Lastly, comes the main, operational zone of Tape. The input and output controls. This is where you set the fundamental groundwork for your tape play. Raise the INPUT and you will drive Tape harder, creating distortion but also raising the output volume Which is why you must then lower the OUTPUT slider.

    Whilst you’re balancing the sliders you can keep your eye on the THD meter to make sure you’re not overdoing it. Time and again Softube release plugins that have been done to death by other devs but end up proving the adage that you can never have enough of a good thing. They imbue their software with a high level of charm and the sound quality is always undeniable. Tape is the perfect example of a plugin that you can buy from almost any manufacturer yet you should probably consider Softube’s version to be the yardstick. Its sound and bias response is so subtle that under congenial operating temperatures and without critical listening experience or aptitude you’ll wonder if it’s even on.

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    But that’s the point. Artists and labels employ engineers for a reason – because when they’re done with a track it just sounds better. Tape is one of those tools that almost any pro-engineer will likely be happy to rely upon to help smooth the spackle and glue a producer’s song into a warm, cohesive product. It has any flavor of tape you could possibly need and the special fx are worth the price alone. This is tape, done perfectly. Softube’s Tape weighs in at a reasonable $99 USD and it also includes a ‘MixFX’ version for Presonus’ Studio One owners that allows the plugin to ‘CROSSTALK’ across multiple channels. For more info please look.

    For a 20 day demo you need to download the gobbler app follow the set-up instructions and requested license will be deposited to your new Softube/Gobbler account. To purchase Softube Tape, please look All Softube plugins require iLok. Hd bollywood video songs download. To download the iLok client software go. To register a newly purchased Softube plugin on iLok please go and enter the code.

    Softube Tape Demo